

Highgate Writing Intent

Highgate Sentence Knowledge Curriculum

At Highgate we follow a four step process when teaching writing

Explore  – During the first stage ‘Explore’ the children will read a model text that is created by the teacher. They will read the text to develop an understanding of the text and it’s features. The children will explore the vocabulary used whilst developing a vocabulary bank to be used in future writing.

Apply – In the second stage ‘Apply’ the children will learn how to use writing skills using a sentence skills approach.  This will be taught explicitly practising the grammatical structures, punctuation and sentences that will be used during their own create stage. Children will take part in short burst writing sessions where they apply the skills that they have been taught.

Create – Children will plan their own text using the model text for inspiration.

Elevate – In the final stage children will revise their work and edit it. They then publish their final masterpieces.


Our whole class reading teaching is designed to develop build a life long love of reading. Our KS2 reading lessons develop fluency in reading through explicit fluency teaching. We then ‘close read’ real books in a ‘book club’ style to develop a love and enjoyment of reading whilst developing an understanding of what is being read.

Below are some of the books we have enjoyed in whole class reading sessions.

Highgate Reading Long Term Plan

We work hard to ensure that our culture in school develops a love of Reading; this is paramount to achieving well. Please see below the ‘Highgate Reading Spine’ which features new and exciting books and ‘golden oldie’ books. Our reading spine also works on developing children’s respect and kindness through the representation of  different stories.

Highgate Reading Spine


We teach phonics from EYFS to Year 2 using Read Write Inc Phonics. Children develop at different rates so if needed some Year 3 children may continue with the Read Write Inc programme.  Please the see the information provided on the link attached.

Read Write Inc