Welcome to

Highgate Primary School

We all hope that your child will enjoy our school and find their learning experiences both challenging, fulfilling and fun.

At Highgate, we aim to work in partnership with parents; we believe that a child’s education is enhanced when there is a positive relationship between home and school. Together we can give all our children the best start possible. We provide the ‘Gateway to the Future‘ for all our children giving them the knowledge and skills they need for future learning and life.

This website aims to give you a taster of our school, as well as providing up to date information for parents, pupils and the wider community.

We have six core values which help us to become great people and learners. Our values are ‘Ready, Respectful, Kind, Try our Best, Curious and Resilient.

We are ready to be fantastic learners. 

We are respectful of others ideas, and  beliefs.  We use our manners and we listen to each other.

We are kind. We use kind words, kind actions and kind bodies.

We try our best by doing our best!

We are curious by asking questions and  wanting to find out more.

We are resilient we do not give up and take on challenges.

If you have any concerns, please come and talk to us and we will always try to help. We look forward to working with you!

Mrs Sale
Head Teacher

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