Highgate Curriculum Long Term Plan
Our curriculum is the ‘Gateway to the Future’ for our children where we want them to be successful, well-rounded citizens. It is goal is to open our children’s minds to broaden their horizons.
Highgate’s curriculum is sequenced and coherent. Learning builds from lesson to lesson and from unit to unit. We revisit learning to ensure that learning sticks.
We inspire them to be ready to find out about the world and want to know more. Providing children with the powerful knowledge they need now and in the future. They will achieve high standards and children will gain the knowledge and skills to succeed in the future. They will be ready to achieve their full potential and be the best that they we can be!
We teach them to be respectful of others and aware of others’ cultures, beliefs and ways of life. Teaching children to be respectful and tolerate in their words and actions. This will be done through a broad and balanced curriculum where we will open their minds to the wider world.
We teach the children to be curious about the world around them. We want children to have a curiosity about the world.
We teach children to try their best in all they do so that the children know no limit to what they can achieve.
Through our ambitious curriculum, we will teach our children to have resilience and not give up! We will be resilient by seeing ourselves as continual learners who are excited by new learning.
Running throughout our curriculum is the importance of being kind: kind to each other, kind to themselves and the people in the world.
For more information about our schools curriculum please contact Mrs Hannah Sale (Headteacher)